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Writing Packages

Writing SILK packages is as easy as writing any typical ModuleScript but with extra functionality. Just like a ModuleScript, a package is allowed to return any datatype. However, when returning a table, you can choose to include any extra meta data which will be used internally to provide extra functionality.

By default, SILK contains core packages that contain crucial functionality for any typical projects. All of these packages are documented in the API under "Included Packages."

Writing A Data Store Package

This section guides you through an example of writing a minimalistic data store package to save, load, and increment user data.

Structuring the package as a singleton will make sure that it gets intialized once whenever it is accessed. To declare a singleton package, set the meta attribute __singleton of the table to true.

Declaring a singleton package:
-- Declare package to be a singleton
local datastore = { __singleton = true }

return datastore

Before writing the necessary functions to save and load data, the package requires access to the Silk object. Using the __initialize meta method, you can obtain access to Silk and store it inside the metatable.

Converting the package to a metatable:
local datastore = { __singleton = true }
datastore.__index = datastore

-- Gain access to the singleton class using the __initialize meta method
function datastore.__initialize(silk)

-- Store Silk inside metatable = silk

local self = setmetatable({
_datastore ='DATA'),
}, datastore)

return self

return datastore

You can then begin writing in the various methods to load, save, and increment data...

Complete package script:

This is a minimal example that saves and loads data. It does not handle potential errors or edge cases such as when players join the game before the PlayerAdded connection is created.

-- || DataStore.lua ||

local datastore = { __singleton = true }
datastore.__index = datastore

-- Write private function to return client key
local function getId(client)
return `userdata_{client.UserId}`

function datastore.__initialize(silk) = silk

local self = setmetatable({
_datastore ='DATA'),
}, datastore)

-- Load data when a new player joins

-- Wait 3 seconds and increment coins by 100
task.delay(3, self.AddCoins, self, client, 100)

-- Save data when the player leaves

return self

-- Primary data loading method
function datastore:LoadData(client)

-- Get data or set an initial value if it doesn't exist
local data = self._datastore:GetAsync(getId(client))
data = data or {coins = 100}

-- Create leaderstats to display coins
local leaderstats ='Folder', client).Name('leaderstats')()'IntValue', leaderstats).Name('Coins').Value(data.coins)

print(`Loaded data for {client.Name}!`)

-- Primary method to save data
function datastore:SaveData(client)

-- Read data from leaderstats
local data = {coins = client.leaderstats.Coins.Value}

-- Save data
self._datastore:SetAsync(getId(client), data)

print(`Saved data for {client.Name}!`)

-- Increments coins in the leaderstats
function datastore:AddCoins(client, amount)
client.leaderstats.Coins.Value += amount

return datastore

Using The Package

To use the package, first create a Folder somewhere in your project and move the package script inside it. Append the directory of the folder inside your initializer script using Silk.AppendPackages and initialize the package using Silk.InitPackage, which will then execute the __initialize meta method.

Initializing the package:
-- || initializer.server.lua ||

local silk = require(game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage'):WaitForChild('silk'))


-- This folder contains the package 'DataStore'

-- Initialize the package
